Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Breast Cancer Survivor

I had the opportunity to spend some time with Nedra Spaulding, who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Here's the kicker, Nedra is a hospice nurse. She spends time with patients battling for their lives in their final days, and here she is now battling for her own life.

I wanted to do something a little different with my first time photographing her. So instead of being with her during a chemotherapy session, I decided to join her as she gets the remainder of her hair removed. She was very upbeat about her situation, and held her emotions very well as she had her head shaved.

She's a wonderful woman, and I hope to continue this story and spend more time photographing her in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are awesome. The paper won't do them justice. Good thing you blog!
