Okay, I know what you're all thinking, "I've seen this already!" I know, I know, but I had to get it up on the blog! For those of you who haven't seen these yet, this was a story I worked on for The New York Times (it never gets old saying that) on the rehabilitation of Michael Vick's fighting pit bulls at Best Friends Animal Society in Kanab, Utah. I'm still getting several nice emails from people all over the nation about the photos; I'd like to thank everyone for all the kind comments, and I'm still trying to reply to each and every one of your emails. Be sure to check out the multimedia piece I did for this story, which you can find
here, at nytimes.com.Here's the layout, including a shot on the front page:

This photo got the most attention by far, it really shows the connection these dogs have with their caregivers:

Here's a caregiver taking a nap with Georgia:

Here's Lucas, Vick's champion dog:

Lucas was also one of the sweetest dogs you'll ever meet. Here he is licking the face of Jeff, one of the caregivers:

Lucas, once again looking for attention:

Meryl, peeking out of his igloo:

Handsome Dan, with a caregiver: